Update on 2016 Summer Race Series

This year, the regional committee (in consultation with the club representatives) has decided to align the names of the Snowsport South age groups with those used by Snowsport England.

For all age groups up to and including Under 21, this does not involve any change to the age group boundaries.

The upper limit of the Snowsport England Senior group is 2 years below that of the old 20 – 30 Snowsport South age group. These 2 years (in the 2016 season years of birth 1985 and 1986) will move up into the new Masters 1 group which replaces the old 31 – 49 group. The 50+ age group will now be called Masters 2.

The groups for the 2016 summer season are:

New Age Group Name Old Age Group Name Years of Birth
U8 Under 7 2009 or later
U10 7 – 8 2007/2008
U12 9 – 10 2005/2006
U14 11 – 12 2003/2004
U16 13 – 14 2001/2002
U18 15 – 16 1999/2000
U21 17 – 19 1996/1997/1998
Senior 20 – 30 1987 – 1995
Masters 1 31 – 49 1966 – 1984 plus 1985, 1986
Masters 2 50+ 1965 or before

Entries for the club and fun team events will be taken on race day. The Tick Box for opting in/out of the fun teams has therefore been removed from the entry details.