Summer Race Series 2014

The dates for the 2014 summer races are:

Date Venue
Sun 27 April Aldershot
Sat 10 May Bromley
Sun 15 June Southampton
Sat 12 July Bowles
Sat 19 July Southampton
Sat 27 Sept Snowtrax

The age groups are:

Age Group Years of Birth
Under 7 2007 or later
7 – 8 2005/2006
9 – 10 2003/2004
11 – 12 2001/2002
13 – 14 1999/2000
15 – 16 1997/1998
17 – 19 1994/1995/1996
20 – 30 1983 – 1993
31 – 49 1964 – 1982
50+ 1963 or before

The race format will be the same as last year (with Under 7, 7-8 and 9-10 age groups racing through Stubbies for the Individual runs.)

Typically, the race day timetable will be:

7:45 Centre Opens

8:00 Bibs available to club representatives

8:10 – 8:55 Open Practice (this will be set up with Stubbies not full gates)

9:00 Individual Timed Runs Start (usually 3, best to count)

~12:30 Individual Head-to-Heads (seeded in gps of 4 racers based on Individual run times)

~14:00 Club Championships (one team per club in 11&under, 16& under, open)

~15:15 Fun Teams (teams drawn using Individual run times)

The organisers may alter this timetable (or cancel team races) if circumstances make this necessary.

Please enter via the website at You must register first and then you will be able to enter races via the links in the right hand column. The entry fee is £12 per race.